Recent events brought me to reflect on my life. I am so thankful, grateful and blessed for what I have. Even now as things are sad, and traditions will be lacking in many ways. I find more value and appreciation for those in my life.
I love my family with all my heart, they are so very important to me and I would go to any lengths for them all. I honestly don’t know what I would do if we didn’t live so close to them. When I say close, I mean 20-minute drive maximum. I live in Minnesota, so yes, we measure travel in the amount of time it takes to get there. I wonder if that is because time, is valuable and irreplaceable.
With family, the value is in the memories that we create together. That is something I have learned throughout growing up. It’s not the money we spend on each other for Christmas or Birthdays. Not competing with each other, who can make the most money, drive the fastest car, wears the best clothes. Eventually, all those things are replaced. Nothing can replace the Christmas mornings spent together, or the dinners we shared sitting around the table. We try and hold onto those moments in pictures, which is why our homes are decorated head to toe with them.
My husband, the love of my life. I don’t think I could live without this man, he is my rock. He supports me, challenges me, and makes me want to be a better person. I think we make the best team.
My son, my newest blessing in life. I honestly don’t remember what life was like without him. He fills my heart with so much, happiness and love.
My Job, as a User Experience Designer, I work to improve systems for users. Making websites and software easier for others to use, reducing calls to Customer Service. I love what I do, it makes me happy to make things better for others. Along with the day to day components of my job, I wouldn’t still be there without my team. A job is a job, but it’s the people you work with that make it an enjoyable place to be. I can proudly say, my team and my boss, are the absolute best. I have never worked somewhere, where the people I work with are so caring and understanding. We all understand that we are passionate about our job and what we do, but at the end of the day, we are not curing cancer.
My Home. Honestly, my husband and I work hard every day to have the things we do and our home is just part of it. We are fortunate to have a place to come home to every night. A neighborhood to go trick-or-treating in. A place where our son will wake up on Christmas morning and run down the stairs to see if Santa came. A front porch where I will watch my son get on the bus for school. I am thankful for this house that we have turned into a home and the memories we have made and will make as our future unfolds.
Please take a moment, remember and appreciate what you have in your life.
Life is too short to be living an unhappy life. I have always believed that you should not complain about the things that are within your control. So be the change, get a different job, go back to school, spend more time with your kids.
You are the author of your own life story, write one that you would want to read over and over until the end of time.
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Here are some ideas what you can do with the printable wreaths
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