It is truly a blessing that I get to compose this post. For two years this has been a hope of our family.
As baby 2 is due to arrive, I’ve been thinking about things I consider newborn must-have baby items. These are baby items that will make life with a toddler and newborn easier in those first few months.

Konny Baby
This looks like the easier baby wrap I’ve ever seen. Other baby wraps are challenging for me and can hold a newborn which is where other traditional baby carriers fall short. I have to say, it is a new company and I’m always cognizant about returning items that I purchase online. But this is one item I really want to try.

New Baby Monitor
Our current Angel baby monitor can barely reach my craft room in the basement. Also the remote has lived a rough life with a toddler and there are days when I swear it will die. I like having an extra monitor for when we travel, but that will go away with 2 rooms to monitor now. Also, this monitor’s screen turns on with movement in the crib. So there won’t be a bright light beaming on my face all night long.

Co-Sleeping Bassinet
I want one that can be right next to the bed since I plan on breastfeeding again. Also, I want something with mesh sides so I can see through it and for SIDS.
The one I chose isn’t the halo and it doesn’t swivel, but I’m gonna guess that I would never use the swivel to get out of bed anyways because I wouldn’t want to risk waking up baby.

Wireless Breastpump
Again I plan on breastfeeding baby #2 and hopefully, I will be able to make it past 3 months. I really like the idea of not being stuck in a chair while I pump. That way I can get stuff done while I pump. Naturally, I can’t sit still as it is, so I think this will be really helpful. Additionally, I plan on being that person and pumping at work. Hopefully… this is so quiet that no one will know š

Newborn Mittens
These are the ABSOLUTE BEST newborn mittens. They stay on!!!!!! So naturally, I want 20 pairs of them.

MAM Pacifiers
I’m hoping baby 2 likes these pacifiers because I like them and we have a few from our first child, somewhere in the house…
The glow-in-the-dark ones are the best!

Halo Swaddle
I tried all of the knock-off velcro swaddles, but none of them stack up to the halo swaddle. So this time, I’m not messing around. Although the Woombie Baby Swaddle looks like it might be worth trying… Ugh! No! Maybe? Damn it! I’ll probably try that one too.
Now that I think about it, my favorite was the Halo swaddles at the hospital, they opened at the bottom so you didn’t have to unwrap the baby to change a diaper. We should have taken it home with us.

Nose Sucker
I tried the NoseFrida and just about puked every time I used it. My husband was the same way, even when he was watching me try to use it. So I think it’s time we gave battery-powered nose sucker a chance.

Zippy Swaddle
With newborns having to un-swaddle to change a diaper was my least favorite thing because my son always got cold and upset. So having a swaddle that opens from the bottom looks like a really great idea, especially for those early months.

Glass bottles
I’ve been slowly switching out all the plastic in my home for glass or stainless steel. From tumblers and kid’s cups to Tupperware and mixing bowls. I’m not going to go into specifics, because I’m pretty sure if you’re interested you can do some light digging and find your own reasons to ditch plastic.

Reusable Diapers
Inflation has been top of my mind along with product availability and the increasing rate of recalls. I want to ensure I never run out of top baby essentials such as diapers. Also, reusable diapers can be adjusted to fit your baby as they grow and do not contain chemicals like disposable diapers.
You can find some really cute reusable diapers on Etsy. I mean who doesn’t like supporting small businesses? You can also find decent prices on Amazon.
I Already Have + Plan to Use it Again
- Bottle warmer
- Swing
- MamaRoo
- MAM Bottles – If the baby doesn’t like the new glass bottles
- Manual breast pump – for traveling or in case I can’t get a private room and an outlet.
- Breastfeeding covers (only for when I’m in public)
- Breastfeeding Pillow – although a regular queen pillow works just as well for me.
- Boppy original newborn lounger
- Diaper Bag / Purse
We did use the Rock-N-Play Sleeper with my son, and since there was a massive recall on it we will likely not use it.
I also created another Baby Registry at Amazon and Target so I can get better discounts as my due date gets closer. Check out this post to see the items I included on my registry for me as a mom.