Breastfeeding | What I packed in my Pumping Bag for Work

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In today’s day and age, it would be a wonderful experience, to have an unlimited amount of time home with your baby once he/she is born. Unfortunately, many moms don’t have that luxury. Myself included. So as I was going back to work, I found having these items in my pumping bag to be key.

Note/Disclaimer: The Amazon links listed in this article are affiliate links for products that I have purchased and would recommend. Affiliate means, that if you purchase this item I will get credit for the purchase and receive a commission at no cost to you šŸ™‚

1. Hand Pump – For when an electrical outlet is not available. Usually, I just keep my hand pump in my purse, because you never know. #alwaysprepared

2. Snack – Protein bars, nut bars, cliff bars, anything that is quick and easy to eat. If it’s healthy I considered that a bonus. I really like the Kirkland Chocolate Nut Bar

3. Water – I usually have a water bottle with me at all times, but I keep a mini one in my bag, just in case I forget one day.

4. Extra Nursing Pads My favorite ones are the target brand, but the Medela ones worked well too.

5. Extra Pump Parts – Bottles, flanges, duckbills, and tubing. Trust me, there were plenty of mornings that I forgot my pump parts at home and I was so very thankful that I had an extra set already waiting for me at work.

6. Sanitizing Spray – If I didn’t have a fridge or cooler to keep my pump parts in during the day. Keeping my pump parts in the fridge saved a lot of time so I didn’t have to wash my pump parts after every pumping session. On the days when that wasn’t possible this sanitizing spray came in handy.

7. Gallon Ziplock Bag – To put all of my pump parts in for when I store it in the fridge or cooler. It makes it easier to grab and go.

8. Sanitizing Wipes – For the area that I am going to pump in (I would wipe down the counters, seat, etc.) for the wellness room at my work, I did buy a big Clorox Anywhere Wipes.

9. Then I used elastic to cross-crossed across my chest so I could be hands-free and work while I pumped. It’s a lot cheaper and you don’t have to worry about finding the right size.

10. Breastmilk Freezer Bags – Every time I was done pumping, I would just put the milk in the freezer bag. I usually just get the cheapest ones I can find on Amazon… but I have learned that the cheap freezer bags sometimes leak. Here were my favorite breastmilk freezer bags.

11. Permanent Marker – To write on the breastmilk bag.

I would take my pump parts home every day and clean them, and then I would put the clean and dry ones back into a ziplock bag and bring them back to work. Sometimes if they weren’t 100% dry, i would put a few paper towels in the ziplock with them.

What were your must-have items when pumping? I couldn’t live without my phone. Hello Pinterest, my long lost love. haha.

NOTE: I am in not an expert on sanitation, this is just what used for sanitizing between pumping sessions.

#breastfeeding #medela #breastpump #Momlife #spectra #ItsAMomThing

Note/Disclaimer: The Amazon links listed in this article are affiliate links for products that I have purchased and would recommend. Affiliate means, that if you purchase this item I will get credit for the purchase and receive a commission.


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